Calling all women! Our special winter weekend is coming up fast, January 16-17! It’s called the “Women’s Winter Escape” and is a weekend for women, designed by women, to be the ultimate on-snow getaway. The focus is on health, relaxation and fun, and takes place just 10 minutes up the road from the Lodge at Great Glen Trails. There will be special XC Ski clinics taught by (you guessed it! … WOMEN!) and it also includes yoga, massage, a functional fashion show, snowshoe tours, a Demo Day and dinner. The program is limited to 35 of us to insure good group dynamics, so sign up now as it becomes more popular every year through word of mouth. Cost for the program is only $145 per person, and when you sign up for it, you can stay at The Lodge for a 20% discount. (We’ll need your WWE Registration # in order to apply the discount). Please be sure to Save the Date!! I hope to see you there.
Like most people I know (except maybe those crazy winter ice climbers who come to our mountains) I’m generally not a big fan of ‘ICE’ … unless it’s in a tall glass of tea with a wedge of lemon or, as in this case, over at The Wentworth’s Annual Ice Carving Competition, held here each year in Jackson. This is the 5th year I’ve been a spectator of this 15-year event, and I believe that it’s the most spectacular one I’ve seen to date. I used to do a little ice carving myself when I was at the Culinary Institute, so I know the process from both sides of the camera lens … but the results today were truly fantastic and beyond anything I have ever – or could ever— dream of attempting! Check out some photos here: http://www.jacksonnh.com/event/218/Wentworth-Ice-Carving-Competition As long as the cold temperatures hold out, they should hopefully keep through the end of the month.
Speaking of dreams … What a long way we’ve come from the prejudicial 1960’s when I was growing up, to the Presidential Election of 2008 that put a Black man in the White House! Dreams are important … they DO come true, and they have the power to change the world. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday this weekend, stay with us at The Lodge for a 10% discount off our normal rates, and tell us about your dream for a better world. Write it out on our “Dream” ballot, and deposit it in the designated box here at The Lodge that weekend. If we choose yours, we’ll give you a free ski pass to the Jackson Cross Country Trail system. (This special is good for January 16-18 only, with a 2-night minimum reservation (and of course, breakfast is included!).
Heard from the family again this morning... They’re still in Panama and ready to embark for Buquete, a much higher & wilder village on the other side of the mountain they have been exploring. Their eventual final destination will be Los Quatzales before they head back home on Friday next. When I ask about the kids, my husband just keeps saying over and over, “They have grown up so this trip”. What does this mean? … should I be worried?! Hopefully I’ll have some good photos to post of them all next week!
The “Lodge Lady”, January 13, 2010
Owner, The Lodge at Jackson Village
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