Well, sort of… I guess we can’t take too much credit … but we DID at least host the winning team here at The Lodge! (Does that count?) Okay, I didn’t think so, but what fun it was up at Black Mountain’s 75th Birthday this past weekend, once the blustery winds died down and the sun came out for the 9th Annual NH Sanctioned Snow Sculpture Competition!!
The “First Place Winner” was awarded to our very own guests Jonathan Pullan, his brother Stephen, and their friend Jay Tremblay, who are now eligible to represent New Hampshire at the Nationals in Lake Geneva Wisconsin in 2011. The Pullan brothers have won this award twice in the past and represented NH quite well in the finals. (I hate to say it, but their entry (above) looks a lot like my husband Dana! But then I always knew he was a winner!) :-)
Perhaps it’s human nature not to be satisfied with one’s artistic endeavors … I know I often feel like that a lot … but it was interesting to talk with someone of Steve’s caliber (he’s an art professor at Fryeburg Academy) yesterday afternoon as he checked out, to see that I’m not alone in this. “How’d you do?” I asked him as he turned in his keys at the front desk. “We won!” he said, with the following caveat: “But it didn’t turn out anything like what we had imagined. When we finished and looked around at all the other great sculptures, we didn’t like ours at all!”.
Apparently they were quite alone in their feelings, because enough other folks DID, enabling them to walk away with a First Place Ribbon! Congratulations, guys!! ALL of you … they were all spectacular. But don’t take my word for it … see for yourself:
Cathi Belcher,
Owner, Lodge at Jackson Village
Check out our website at www.ILoveTheLodge.com for more pictures of the other snow sculptors!!
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