Sunday, February 5, 2012

This week at The Lodge: February 5 - 11, 2012

We’re starting off another great week here in Jackson with some powdery new snow! What could be more perfect on the 2’ base we already have?! However, a recent guest reminded me that the old adage, “Out of sight, out of mind!”, is all too true. Other parts of New England such as Massachusetts and Rhode Island are seeing bare ground out their windows these days, and thinking this must be the case everywhere. NOT!!! While it hasn’t been a record-breaking year for snow here in New Hampshire, I’m here to state for the record that we have more than enough of the white stuff for as much fabulous winter fun as you can take. Our guests agree! In fact, the Jackson Ski Touring parking lot has been filled to capacity so many times, we have given them permission for overflow XC skiers to park here at The Lodge, where they can put on their skis, hop on the trail and GO!!

As partners with Great Glen Trails, we all tend ski there a lot with the FREE ski passes we give to our guests. The trails are well-groomed and as scenic as it gets!! Of course they also have snow shoeing or tubing for good old-fashioned fun and exercise. The Snow Coach is also running and ready to take you for an unforgettable trip up Mount Washington as far as tree-line. But we have also been told by a lot of the locals that the XC trails at Bear Notch in Bartlett have beautifully groomed trails, fabulous homemade soup and bread (it can’t be beat I’m told), and the trails are beautiful and protected from the wind by the snow-studded trees. Think I’ll head out that way after I finish writing this. I’ve only mentioned XC here … but all the downhill slopes, being higher in elevation, have LOTS of snow for alpine skiers!

Although the spectacular January ice carvings have diminished in stature by this time, the amazing snow sculptures carved last weekend at the State competition are still worth the trip up to Black Mountain to amaze you. The temperatures have been very cold this week and they have been preserved well. Check them out when you visit, and don’t forget to bring your camera. Which one is YOUR favorite?

If you’re into adventure of another sort, neighbor Lisa Gardener (who lives just up the block from The Lodge) is launching her new book ‘Catch Me’ on Tuesday at 7 pm in North Conway. Wednesday brings professional geologist Brian Fowler to the Jackson Library for a presentation on “The Presidential Range During and After the Ice Age”. He has spent his life in the field of geology around Mount Washington. His talk is free and starts at 7pm.

All in all another busy week here at The Lodge. Good thing the days are getting longer to fit it all in! Have you noticed how light it is at dinner time these days? Have a great week, and come on up for a visit! -- xoxo The Lodge Lady

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