For all the negative press I’ve given Facebook lately, I must say it was amazing (and kind of nice) to get all the well wishes from my facebook friends today ... most unexpected! (Many thanks to my sister who, knowing that months often go by without me checking my page, told me it might be a good idea to just log in and take a peek today). Thanks to all for the happy thoughts.
Dana and I spent my birthday at the Business Expo at Bretton Woods, sponsored by the Mount Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce. The best part is usually the networking stuff … seeing all our business friends in a social, ‘play-hookey’-type setting,and such was the case today. At lunchtime we sat with our friends from Great Glen Trails (Loved hearing about Howie and Sue’s recent trip to the Galapagos!). On Dana’s other side was our State Representative (and fellow innkeeper) Ed Butler. (‘Talked long and hard with him about this new tax they’re considering down there in the State House. Don’t get me going on THAT one). The breakout seminars this year at the business conference were okay … I found the Social Networking to be the best of the bunch … but the Keynote Speaker, Mike Kline “The Entrepreneurologist”, was more than worth the price of the lunch and admission! Absolutely FANTASTIC … and more inspirational and motivational than Tony Robins! Mike is one of my very favorite people. Telling us his life story at the end, I can safely say that “No Excuse” should be the motto of every living person who puts the blame for their ‘lack of success’ on someone other than themselves. What a story … but I’ll leave that for when his book comes out.
It was a magnificent day. and we spent the evening having a backyard cookout with my remaining children (Chris now being in Pittsburgh; Zia was working at the Thompson House Eatery). We played round after round of BananaGrams, but somehow, Noah managed to get the better of both Joshua and me. Even so, it was a lovely day!
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