Oh Lord, it’s hot!! As a person who is almost ALWAYS cold, I’ll admit that there are about two days a year when I feel uncomfortably warm. This is one of them. I am going to ignore that ridiculous thermometer of ours sitting directly in the sun, currently reading 117 degrees, because I already feel like I am sitting in an oven doing a slow roast, and don’t need any additional reminders. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go outside and sit in the river ... You're welcome to join me!
It's been H-O-T hot here in Oregon too. We've now reached the triple digit hot summer weather and throw in some humidity while you're at it.. Although when it gets this hot, it's followed by a rain storm to cool things off a bit before the next heat wave. Clouds were rolling in today...hopefully there's be some nice rain :) :) The river does sound like a good idea. Have a great weekend. Hugs from Oregon, Heather :)