Wednesday, June 2, 2010

At a Loss for Words

AAArgh!!@!!*!??!*!! …. COMPUTERS!!!! (Need I say more?)
Right now it is late at night … In-between phone calls and various other inn-keeping tasks, I have spent the greater part of the day working on my first blog for the month of June … one of my better ones, I thought. Then, just when I was deliriously happy with my composition, it totally evaporated during the “upload” process, never to be seen nor heard from again. Could you hear me groan all the way from here to your house? Is there ever a more sinking feeling for a writer? I don’t think so. Losing one’s words is infinitely worse for me than losing a tangible object … even a favorite one! (Two weeks ago I lost my very favorite earring in the whole wide world. I was devastated; just sick at heart … but I keep thinking that it may eventually turn up somewhere. I still have hope). With words, it is different. Once gone, you just can’t find the same ones ever again. I remember years ago when I was the editor for the New York State Chess Magazine, and I had just written a masterpiece article on Grandmaster Arthur Bisguier. It was almost 4 am when I finished, and I had been working on it all night long (what other time is there for writing when you have small children?). I love Arthur (he was a wonderful mentor to our chess-playing children), and the article I wrote about him had been really inspired; it just poured out of me. After re-reading it for the Nth time, (when I should have actually been “Saving” my document instead of admiring it), I brushed up against something on the keyboard and it disappeared … totally, irrevocably gone. My best friend the “back” arrow key was not able to retrieve it, no matter how many times I poked it, and I screamed and moaned and groaned until I woke up everyone in the house. ME!! ... a grown woman! This time wasn’t anything nearly as catastrophic in proportion, but it makes me mad nonetheless! Am I mad enough now to finally start saving my documents all through the process of creating them? One would hope so, but time will tell. And now, having having just lost my words ... I am at a loss for any more tonight. Ho hum ... until tomorrow, then ...

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