My ‘territory’ it seems, has been re-zoned! Although I hope that wherever
we are will always be considered ‘HOME’ by our children, they are launching left and right these days, and for most of them ‘the old home’ has now just become a ‘port of call!’. Noah ‘launched’ a year ago to attend Johns Hopkins University, followed by his friend (our “adopted” son) Billy, who went back to New York in April after living with us for 3 years, to set himself up in a business of his own. Earlier this spring it was Christopher’s time to permanently fly the nest, but today it is our daughter Zia’s turn! She has been accepted into a painting program at the Maine College of Art in Portland, and she has to be there to check in today by noon. The whole ‘kit-and-caboodle’ of us will see her safely there and all set up in her room (with a roommate who is hopefully not a neat freak!). We’re planning a Thai lunch as her official send-off, as there is a good restaurant right across the street from the school. ( … Knowing our daughter’s culinary taste buds, it will probably become her second home. Zia has worked for a number of years at the Thompson House Eatery as a chef, and school cafeteria food may be quite a shock after that!). After we get her settled, if I’m lucky I’ll also be able to fit in a visit to the Longfellow House and Museum a block away. I’m really psyched. Do I feel ‘anxious/sad/old/deserted/ all of the above’ with so many chicks flying the coop in such rapid succession? Surprisingly, the answer is a resounding ‘No’! For one, we still have Josh, who at 13 ½ is an amazing, multi-talented kid. But most of all, I am just happy that so many of our older ones have found their callings and are fulfilling their dreams. For a whole season of my life, the last 25 years at least, my most sacred dream was to see them all reach this point in theirs. Now that it’s here, a new season has begun for me, where I can start concentrating on some of my own personal dreams, such as my writing. So once again, it is another Red Letter day in the Belcher family/Lodge at Jackson Village household. Congratulations, Zia!
I've been so busy the last few days I haven't been able to read your posts. this was really sweet and beautiful. It's obvious you're a momma who loves her little chicks...not so little anymore :) :) That's awesome that they're out there pursuing their dreams. I wish you all the best with your writing :) :) Have a great week!!!