Yippeee, I’m sponsored!!!! Next month I’m scheduled to participate in ‘Seek The Peak’, a fundraiser for the Mount Washington Observatory. To raise the money, hikers pledge to reach the summit of Mount Washington on foot, and folks interested in helping out a good cause pledge money for the event. The minimum amount of money a hiker can raise to participate is $100. Today I was notified by email that a generous man named John --- has pledged $100 for my hike! I am so excited. In the past my pledges have come in slowly, but this was such a happy moment for me. With only 27 days to go, I am working hard to get in tip top shape for the climb. Thank you for your vote of confidence, John, and for your generosity toward the Observatory … I won’t let you down! I love Mount Washington, and the work that goes on at the Observatory. If anyone would like to pledge any amount for my hike for this great cause, you may do so by logging onto my Hiker page at:
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