Thursday, July 15, 2010

Doing Our Part for the Environment Pays Off in Unexpected Ways!

Yesterday I mentioned that I am currently without a car. I’ll probably get one in the fall, but it didn’t make much economic sense right now as we work to pay off bills and save for some medical procedures my husband will need later this year. Besides, I put in extremely long hours here at the Lodge in the summer, and there would be little opportunity to drive a car further than my log cabin, which (being only 1.3 miles away), I can easily get to on my own steam.

Last night I pulled another late one, and by the time I was ready to go home, I got in our daughter’s car to drive up the hill and discovered that I couldn’t find the key. But no problem! I have a perfectly good set of legs and being inside all day, they needed the fresh air and the exercise

As far as “commutes” go, I have one of the best on the face of the earth and so it would be ridiculous if not inconceivable to think of this as a hardship! It’s just a brisk walk along the edge of the golf course, a sharp left at the old white church and the historic library, and then uphill past Jackson Falls, certainly one of the most beautiful sites in this part of New Hampshire. The Milky Way was as bright as I’ve ever seen it last night and even though there wasn’t a moon the stars led the way home.

This morning I was up before the sun, and decided to ride my electric bike down the hill. The ride down isn’t the reason I got the electric bike; it’s the return trip (especially after a 16-hour day) that gets me every time. Even being in pretty good shape doesn’t seem to get me any points going up that steep hill past Jackson Falls.

I bought a Rayos electric bike last year, the same kind that they rent to visitors at our National Parks. This bike has a LOT of pep … almost like riding a little motor scooter when I kick in the power supply, but totally quiet. I was very happy for this because this morning around 5 am I had the treat of an incredible nature sighting, something that might have been frightened away had I been driving a noisy car. This morning I was getting on my bike and adjusting my backpack, when a black bear came walking towards me down the deck of my house! It was incredible. I pulled out my trusty cell phone and tried to take his picture but he got scared and rolled down between the railing onto the ground. That’s when I got the two photos of him. Not a big bear like the visitor we had at the front of The Lodge a few weeks ago, but I wouldn’t have wanted to tangle with him in a dark alley! Anyway, it was another great way to start a beautiful day. I am so lucky!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to live so close to where you work :) :) :) That's great...that you don't have to use a car if you don't want to. I'll pray you get all the money you need for your hubby when he goes to the hospital!!!

    I used to ride the bus almost every day instead of the car...until the city cancelled my bus route...waahh!!! However, I do live less than a mile from a grocery I walk that when I need something :) :)

    Hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
