Sunday, August 22, 2010


I’m in the hospitality business. For the most part I love it. No, most of the time I adore my work, which I consider to be my mission, my ‘right livelihood’. I’ve always liked that phrase. As defined by, it is an ancient idea that embodies the principle that each person should follow an honest occupation which fully respects other people and the natural world. It means being responsible for the consequences of our actions and taking only a fair share of the earth’s resources.
Living long enough gives one a sense of perspective, and from my current vantage point of middle age (how the @!!?%# did that happen?), I can see that every single thing I have ever pursued over the course of my lifetime has prepared me for what I do today. Lately that has come to include small housing, since my interest in tiny houses has blossomed since the arrival of the Tumbleweed. I guess you could say I’m in the ‘House-pitality business’ now. (Do you think that would be considered a ‘cottage industry’?)!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there..oh...I started back at work a couple of weeks ago after being layed-off since February. It's been busy and I haven't been able to visit all of my favorite blogs..wink wink :) :) I haven't forgotten you...wanted you to know I'm still thinking about you...and hoping all is well at the inn :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
